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Jun 13, 2022
My Neighbor's Tree Fell on My House, Who's Responsible?
Did the neighbors tree fall on you house, garage or property? Has it caused property damage or was anyone hurt? These are questions that...

Jun 13, 2022
Looking for a Tree Doctor?
When you have a sick tree and need help, the go to source should be your local “tree doctor." Sometimes called arborists and at other...

May 12, 2022
Redbud Trees in the Landscape
Growing a redbud tree is a great way to add brilliant color to just about any landscape. In addition, the care of redbud trees is easy....

Apr 21, 2022
Should You Use Natural Wood Chips in Your Landscape?
What are natural wood chips (also known as arborist wood chips)? Arborist wood chips are essentially any material that gets processed...

Apr 16, 2022
April Rains Bring May Diseases
Springtime is the mark of new seasonal plant growth which is also the time damaging diseases are infecting your trees, shrubs, ivy,...

Apr 7, 2022
Trees Help Fight Climate Change
Trees have been with us throughout our whole lives. They’re the background of a favorite memory, the desired landscape for that perfect...

Mar 15, 2022
Proactive Tree and Shrub Care Makes Sense $$!
As winter turns to spring and blossoms turn to leaves, so do insects and diseases go from dormant to damaging. We all keep hearing about...

Oct 19, 2021
How do I stop deer from eating up my landscape?
"Odocoileus virginianus", otherwise known as White Tailed Deer live in just about every area of Michigan. The reason they're called...

Sep 1, 2021
What Is Wrong With My Spruce Tree?
Colorado and Norway Spruce have been among the most popular evergreen trees used in the landscape throughout the mid-west and beyond....

Aug 31, 2021
What's Wrong with My Maple Tree?
Maple Trees (Acer) are among the most common and regularly planted trees in many regions of the United States. Maple trees come in all...

Jun 2, 2021
Birch Tree Selection, Care and Expectations
Betula nigra; the black birch, river birch or water birch is a species of birch native to Eastern United States and is grown from the...

May 18, 2021
Rhododendron Buying, Planting, Location, and Care
An outstanding compliment to any landscape is the beautiful show case Rhododendron. There are more than 900 species in the Rhododendron...

Apr 22, 2021
Planting Trees the Arborist Way
When looking to plant a new tree there are a number of things to consider before digging the hole. Take a look at the list below before...

Apr 22, 2021
Late Frost Hitting Your Landscape? Don’t Panic.
Frost damage that occurs in late winter or early spring after newly emerging shoots and flower buds are breaking open is often defined as...

Apr 21, 2021
Going Green is Not a New Idea for an Arborist
Are you familiar with the word "ecology?" Ecology is the study of relationships between living organisms, including plants and humans....

Dec 13, 2020
Root Flares are Important for Tree Health
Trees too deep in the ground, an all too common problem, have two basic problems. When the trunk flare is under ground, it stays moist...

Dec 13, 2020
What Is a Stress Crack on a Tree?
The term "stress cracks" is often associated with damage to basement walls or driveway cement. Home inspectors also use the term "stress...

Oct 31, 2020
Protecting Your Landscape Against Winter Burn
Desiccation is the technical term for what is more commonly called "winter burn". Desiccation is defined as removal of moisture. In the...

Oct 14, 2020
A Guide to Outdoor Weddings and Trees
With the beauty and allure of outdoor weddings there are other questions to consider. Let our guide help you prepare.

Oct 12, 2020
Emerald Ash Borer, Then and Now
Emerald Ash Borer, Then and Now. Currently, the Emerald Ash Borer can be found invading ash trees in 35 states and parts of Canad.
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