Emerald Ash Borer was first officially found in the Detroit area in the summer of 2002. This borer insect (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) in it's larvae stage was and is found to be a devastating threat to ash trees. Currently, the Emerald Ash Borer can be found invading ash trees in 35 states and parts of Canad.
What We Know About Emerald Ash Borer:
Insect most likely came to the USA by way of cargo on pallets coming from Asia.
First official sightings were found in ash trees located in the Detroit, Michigan area.
Adult beetles are metallic green and about 1/2" long
It attacks only ash trees (fraxinus)
They damage ash trees while in their larvae stage
The adults leave a D shaped exit hole in the bark.
Woodpeckers love to feed on EAB larvae.
Once EAB landed in America it didn't take long for this invasive pest to begin killing thousands and eventually millions of ash trees. From the beginning, several pesticides were given approval as trial treatments in hopes of controlling EAB. At the time there were many who stated that there was no treatment or control for EAB as many home owners waited helplessly to see what would become of their ash trees.
In the summer of 2002 as the devastation of EAB was being declared, our arborist team at Branch Tree Service did not accept defeat from this invasive borer. With the approval from the state of Michigan, Branch Tree Service began various trial treatments with the goal of controlling Emerald Ash Borer. The more we learned about EAB the better the science became, thus pioneering the way for better treatment options with greater levels of success.
The more we learned about EAB the better the science became, thus pioneering the way for better treatment options with greater levels of success.
For the people who started care early and remained committed to treatments, many of their ash trees have weathered the EAB invasion and proudly still have healthy ash trees as part of their landscapes today. The picture of the ash tree shown above is but one example of what ash trees can be with proactive care and how they're still a wonderful tree to enjoy. The picture of this ash tree was taken October 11, 2020 and it's located in Washington, Michigan at one of Branch Tree Services long time clients landscape.
In lower eastern Michigan, we find very low pressure from EAB. Those trees which still stand tall can be easily cared for without the need for invasive trunk injections. New treatment options can be performed with minimum cost and are very effective in controlling a number of pest threats.
Branch Tree Service is proud to have numerous clients which have and still do call upon us to treat and care for their ash trees. If your trees are looking sick or weak, don't wait to be reactive as so many did regarding their ash trees. Contact the Tree Doctor's and professional ISA Certified Arborists at Branch Tree Service today.
At Branch Tree Service we are Solution Driven! Call us at 586-756-7737 or request a quote today.